Thursday, September 18, 2008


Life goes by fast. Very fast. We've had friends and family having babies lately and it always takes me back to when I had mine. It seems so long ago. And now, my babies are growing and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Not that I want them to stay little forever (well, maybe I do a little) but there are moments when I watch them and I get a fleeting glance of the little bit of "my babies" they have left in them. But not very often anymore. They are definitely spreading those wings...and I'm so proud of them. Those of you that know me know it's a miracle that I even let them out of the house without me! Tonight my mom sent me a picture she found while looking through some stuff on her computer. And so, as I sit here (blubbering like a dork), I would like to share a flashback of Jacob Michael, and Kaitlyn Jo Anne, and a picture I took of them over the summer. Can you believe how much they have grown? Me either.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Look at that big boy! It's hard to believe that you're going to preschool tomorrow! You have grown so fast, and we're so excited for your first day of school! I know your Mom is going to have a tough time, but at least she won't be as crazy as Aunt Jenn was when she took your cousins to school the first day (I cried so hard in the car some lady knocked on my window to make sure I was ok). We love and miss you Kaleb!!! Have a great first day!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sick Day

I hate that phone call. The one from the school nurse. Your little one is sick. Kaitlyn had a fever (101) and had to come home Friday. She was pretty sick all weekend, and I kept her home today, just to make sure. But look at that face! She was feeling better this afternoon. And I had her all to myself!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Six Days....

What a difference six days make! Nervous faces? Gone. Excitement has replaced the nervousness. These two amaze me. They already have lots of friends, and are taking the bus to school. This after going to school with mom and dad every day in Craig. Not only that, they enjoy it so much, they begged to start riding it after school so they can spend more time with their friends. Who are these kids?? They are mine. My awesome, beautiful, Jake and Kate.