Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ashlynn Update

I just received these pictures from Grandma Vickie. I know I have only seen Ashlynn once, but I miss her. I'm hearing she's the sweetest baby, and after convincing myself that maybe I exaggerated how much she looks like Kaitlyn did as a baby, I am reassured that it is so. I wanted to share these precious baby pictures with everyone. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Can See Clearly Now.....

Well, we found out last week that Kaitlyn needs glasses. Nothing major, mostly for distance. But let me tell you, she looks just adorable! The whole way home she kept saying she couldn't believe how much clearer everything was and how far away she can see. All I can say is how much more adorable can my girl get??

Basketball Boys

We had quite the weekend! Kayhi swept Juneau, which doesn't happen very often people! Jake had a game Saturday, and after a pep talk from Grandpa Mike had a great game! It never gets old watching my basketball boys tear it up on the court! 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ashlynn Kimber Smith

We love our Smith boys. A lot. Kelly and Kasey are awesome guys. Jake, Kyle and Tanner inherited their fun, laid back personalities. Then there is our Princess Kaitlyn. While she is absolutely fun and enjoys sports a lot more than most girls her age, she also loves the color pink, clothes, shoes, and other girly things. SO, she has always complained that we needed a girl in this Smith family besides her (apparently her mother and Aunt Melissa don't count). So it was with much anticipation and delight that we welcomed Princess Ashlynn at 7:31 am this morning. She weighs 7.1 pounds and is 20 inches long. What makes it even more special (if that is possible) is she looks so much like Kaitlyn did when she was born. Aunt Jenn is usually an emotional girl when a baby is born anyway, but when I saw this precious baby girl that looks so much like my precious baby girl, I was pretty choked up. She is perfect in every way and we are so happy she has arrived!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Clark Cochrane Classic 2008-2009

For some reason I forgot my camera to take pictures during the games, but I remembered to take it to the competitions. I have never been to the dunk contest before, and it was awesome! Jake was definitely impressed, and Kaitlyn even got excited when the guy that won jumped over a team mate and slammed it! Unfortunately, my camera wasn't cooperating, but I did get some pretty cool pictures!

Matt shooting in the free throw competition.
Jeff in the free throw competition.

My husband....

Is a awesome father. Look at these two cuties! At the gym at 8:00 am to watch/support their Dad's team in the tournament (and they didn't go to bed until almost 11:00 the night before!).
Is an awesome coach! Look at these two boys! Dunking in the dunk contest in the Clark Cochrane classic! These boys have been coached by Kelly since Junior High. Yes, my husband is awesome!!!