Sunday, November 16, 2008

Better Late.....

I have decided that I am terrible at blogging.  I only post once a month or so, but I guess that is better than nothing.  So, better late than never, here is my witch princess and ninja on Halloween.   We had so much fun this year!  The weather was actually decent and we're in a town with actual paved roads to trick or treat! 

One last thing.....I like living in Alaska.  It's beautiful here, and a cool place for kids to grow up.  BUT....there are a few things I miss.  Like road trips.  Family.  Friends.  Shopping, etc.  Well, this coming Friday we get to do all of those things.  We get to see family for Thanksgiving, and we're taking a road trip to La Grande to see family, and a friend that has become family (how cool is that).  I don't want to get too cheesy, but I miss everyone and this trip is much needed.  On that note, see everyone next weekend!!!

P.S.  Here is one more picture of my cuties with their neighbor friend.  That way I won't feel bad for not posting anything for another month.